See the Fishes Chase Ur Mouse

Protozoan Hooks leave less chance of survival.So beware!

Tonight(as it is 00:00 now) I start with A super duper secret tip:
If poor water quality is suspected, clean tank and do a 50% water change. Disinfect the aquarium with acriflavine (trypaflavine) or monacrin (monoaminoacridine) using a 0.2% solution at the rate of 1 ml per liter. Both disinfectants will color the water, but the color will disappear as the disinfectants dissipate. Do not overfeed while the aquarium is being treated.

(1) Velvet or Rust

Symptoms: Clamped fins, respiratory distress (breathing hard), yellow to light brown "dust" on body.

Description: This disease has the appearance of a golden or brownish dust over the fins and body. The fish may show signs of irritation, like glancing off aquarium decor, shortage of breath (fish-wise), and clamping of the fins. The gills are usually the first thing affected. Velvet affects different species in different ways. Danios seem to be the most susceptible, but often show no discomfort. This disease is highly contagious and fatal.

The best treatment is with copper at 0.2 mg per liter (0.2 ppm) to be repeated once in a few days if necessary. Acriflavine (trypaflavine) may be used instead at 0.2% solution (1 ml per liter). As acriflavine can possibly sterilize fish and copper can lead to poisoning, the water should be gradually changed after a cure has been effected.

(2) Marine Velvet (Amyloodinium ocellatum)

Symptoms: Respiratory distress (fast breathing - gills opening more than 80 times per minute); White, yellow to light brown, or grey "dusty" appearance on body, Loss of appetite, Rubbing or scratching against decor or substrate.
Description: Marine velvet is one of the most common maladies experienced in the marine aquarium, with the other being Marine Ich. It is found in all the oceans of the world and often infects wild and newly caught marine fish. It is a fast moving disease that can cause mass casualties. Primarily it infects the gills of fish but can attach itself to the body as well, burrowing deep into the skin's subcutaneous layer. Deaths are generally a result of interference to the respiratory system. This disease is highly contagious and fatal.
Chemical treatments for this disease include using copper. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Natural methods include hyposalinity, a quarantine tank with a low salinity. A danger with with using low salinity is in re-acclimating the fish to a higher salinity. You must be able to accurately measure the salinity and must increase it very slowly.

(3) Costia

Symptoms: Milky cloudiness on skin.
Description:This is a rare protozoan disease that causes a cloudiness of the skin. The best treatment is with copper at 0.2 mg per liter (0.2 ppm) to be repeated once in a few days if necessary. Acriflavine (trypaflavine) may be used instead at 0.2% solution (1 ml per liter). As acriflavine can possibly sterilize fish and copper can lead to poisoning, the water should be gradually changed after a cure has been effected.
Raising the water temperature to 80º - 83º F for a few days has also been effective.

(4) Hexamita

This discus died of hexamita.
Symptoms: The first symptom of slimy, white mucous feces, even while still eating and acting normal. Further signs are the fish hiding in the corner it's head down, head above the eyes gets thin, they blacken in color, and swim backwards.
Description: Hexamita are intestinal flagellated protozoa that attack the lower intestine. Discus and other large cichlids, especially Oscars, are especially prone to Hexamita. As it is a disease of the digestive tract, a wasting away or loss of appetite may be experienced.An effective treatment is the drug metronidazole. A combined treatment in the food (1% in any food the fish will eat) and in the water (12 mg per liter) is recommended. Repeat the water treatment every other day for three treatments.
From my experience:
i tell u a fact.....
(This disease is often confused with another disease called Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE),which use to be called "hole-in-the-head" disease, because both these diseases are often seen simultaneously in the same fish.

Head and Lateral Line Erosion disease looks like cavities or pits on the head and face. It is not a protozoan disease, but is actually caused by environmental conditions.)
(5) Neon Tetra Disease

Symptoms: Whitened areas deep into the fishes' flesh. Muscle degeneration leading to abnormal swimming movements.
Description:So named for the fish it was first recognized on. It is caused by the sporozoa Plistophora hyphessobryconis. Even though it is named after Neon Tetras, it can appear on other fish. Whitish patches appear as if just below the skin. In Neon Tetras it destroys the bright blue-green neon stripe. The organisms form cysts which burst and release spores. The spores penetrate further and form more cysts. Eventually, the spores migrate to the water and are eaten by other fish in the food. These spores migrate into the digestive tract, then the muscles, and a new infection starts.
There is no known cure. It is best to destroy the infected fish and clean the aquarium.May be cruel but better loose one and save ten.

(6) Glugea and Henneguya

Symptoms: Similar to Lymphocystis, the fish will have nodular white swellings on fins or body.
Description: Glugea and Henneguya are sporozoans that form large cysts on the fish's body and release spores. Luckily, these diseases are very rare. The fish bloat up, with tumor like protrusions, and eventually die.
No cure, as of yet. It is best to destroy the infected fish before the spores can spread.
(7) Chilodonella

Serpae tetra are generally pink in colour now look at the disaster.
Symptoms: Dulling of the colors due to excessive slime, fraying of the fins, weakness, gill damage.
Description:This disease causes a blue white cloudiness on the skin and attacks the gills. Later the skin may be broken down and the gills destroyed. The fish may behave like they have irritations, by glancing off aquarium decor, they may have clamped fins and difficulty breathing.
Acriflavine (trypaflavine) may be used at 1% solution (5 ml per liter). As acriflavine can sterilize fish, the water should be gradually changed after a cure has been effected. It also helps to raise the temperature to about 80º F.

(8) African Bloat or "Malawi Bloat"

The protozoan and bacterial infection leave no space for survival for the poor ciclid.
Symptoms: The first sign of 'bloat' is loss of appetite which is then followed by swelling of the abdomen, labored breathing, listlessness, reclusiveness, possible red striations on the body, and stringy white feces.
Description:There seems to be no explainable rationale as to its cause of bloat. Once a fish becomes afflicted it is often fatal. A fish that is not eating must be treated immediately or it can quickly become incurable and die. Though It is not certain what this disease is, it is generally believed to be caused by a protozoal parasite complicated by bacterial infection. Bloat is a serious malady often associated with African cichlids especially those from Lake Malawi, thus the common name 'Malawi Bloat'. The Tropheus species from Lake Tanganyika are also very susceptible.
The most common cause of this disease is stress and the first sign if illness is not eating. Stress can be caused by such things as transport, netting, poor water quality, insufficient diet, over feeding, and a lack of hiding places. Other causes, that are easily remedied, are an improper diet and adding too much salt to the water. Prevention is of utmost importance, and It is possibly to cure a fish if treated right away.

|*Very Important Tips(VIT) *|
Following are some techniques aquarists use:

Any new specimens you obtain can have bloat or will often soon develop it. When you first acquire them try to provide them with the same food that the dealer was feeding, and then wean them onto a good vegetable based diet; Spirulina flake and pellet.

Some will soak the food in dissolved metronidazol and feed them that for the first few days when first obtained. Seachem makes a metronidazol that can be bound to food when used with their Focus product.

A good vegetable based diet is important.(koi,and gold love spinach,even the my turtle loves it too)

A healthy group of fish will eat with gusto. But even though they can be very active feeders it is important to not overfeed them. Keep an eye on them, and if one is not eating with vigor some aquarists will then treat the tank with Clout.

One author says that they will segregate an ailing fish the second they see signs of not eating, and then will do water changes every day for 5 days in the main aquarium.

Metronidazol is considered the most reliable cure and some use Clout as another cure, but do not use them together.

Well i have skipped a disease which is the most common and the most widespread and has many types,
to know about it please follow my posts,timely
until then
||Bee Fishy!!||


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Bloggers and readers___> The aquarium is not just a glass tank holding water in which fish and other aquatic animals ponder about,as i believe it is an amazing window to the fascinating underwater world. This blog not only quenches u with atmost all species of fish but also their diseases,foods ,medicines,habitat and all u wanna know. And i promise i will try to sort out all ur queries,and will periodically update my blog,no matter where u r in the world. ___________ me a btech student,had a craze for animals since i was 6 years old but as i grew up i realised that to quench my thirst of exploring new species i must dive into the world aquatic animalia. ___________________ |bee fishy!!|

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fishes are more important as it is calculated that after 20 years 80%of the sea and river fishes will be wiped away so dear bloggers i know u love ur fishes and ur underwater treasure(aquariums,fish bowls) so in case of any query consult this blog

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