There are literally hundreds of factors that can affect your cutie little fish's health.Only the most common afflictions are listed here.There are several precautions to reduce the possiblity of disease and keep it from spreading if it does occur.
Secondly,avoid stressing the fish with rough handling,sudden changes in conditions,or bully tankmates.
Thirdly, avoid rotten or wet food.And please never overfeed as the fishes die of constipation.(feeding after 12 hrs(2 times a day) is a good diet.
This Pearl Black Moor is really overfed and wont survive(90%).
Always remove a sick fish to a hospital tank for treatment,and always disinfect nets used to move sick fish. Never ever transfer water from quarantine tank to the main tank.
Dont let any metal come in contact with the aquariums water,and one more secret to best aquarium keeping is switch off all airation systems including filters when feeding floating pellets(most common food fo gold fishes and tropical fishes).
The most common maladies seen in home aquaria are usually either bacterial or parasitic in origin. Luckily,
And one more tip for all the fellows reading this article:
*always remove all carbon based filteration system before adding copper based medicines or methylene blue as they cause clotting in the gills of fishes*
do read my post on bacterial and viral infections in fishes coming soon,and do comment,
until next time....
||bee fishy!||